View All Etler-Kettenacker Agency's Blog Entries Tagged with 'self-driving car'
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Some Thoughts on Self-Driving Cars
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It may sound like something out of The Jetsons -- but self-driving cars are here! According to recent data, as many as 10 million cars will be outfitted with self-driving features by the year 2020. While exciting, these futuristic vehicles have opened up a whole can of worms. Especially for insurance companies. How are they insured? Who’s to blame in the event of an accident? Can you trust machine over man? We don’t know the answers to these questions, but here are some f...
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Image of item posted on FacebookApril 27 at 8:00am · Comment · Share
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Self-Driving Cars: An Update
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Weve talked about self-driving cars before, debating the pros and cons of these cars of the future. However, this week, Bloomberg Technology posted a bullish case for self-driving cars. In this article, the media mogul quoted a recent study by insurance broker Aon Plc. According to Aon, premiums for U.S. auto insurers may drop more than 40 percent once the use of automated vehicles has been fully adopted by 2050. Aon analyst Paul Mang was careful to specify the conditions under which ...
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Image of item posted on FacebookSeptember 14 at 8:00am · Comment · Share
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Would You Trust a Self-Driving Uber?
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Next time you hail an Uber in Pittsburgh, you might end up riding in a machine-run vehicle! In August, NPR reported on Ubers plan to run an experiment in Pittsburgh, where it will test the first-ever self-driving fleet thats available to everyday customers. For safety purposes, an Uber staff member (an engineer or specially trained driver) will be inside, acting as a human "co-pilot." So technically, its not a car without a human. In fact, for the time being, a human co-pilot is a neces...
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Image of item posted on FacebookSeptember 21 at 8:00am · Comment · Share
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Tesla Autopilot Predicts a Car Crash
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2017 has just begun -- but, as this video shows, the future is already, in fact, here. Weve talked about self-driving cars before; most notably, how these smart vehicles could affect insurance premiums (both negatively and positively for consumers and insurers!). However, the biggest "pro" on the Self-Driving Cars Pro/Con list, is, of course, the potential for safer driving conditions and fewer accidents. Realizing that an accident was about to occur on the A2 highway in the Nether...
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Image of item posted on FacebookJanuary 04 at 8:00am · Comment · Share
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Self-Driving Cars Cause (More) Insurance Concerns
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A recent accident involving self-driving cars has once again put this new technology in the news. Last month, an Arizona driver turned left across three lances of traffic just as the light was turning from green to yellow. According to a report from the Tempe, Ariz., Police Department, the first two lanes were backed up with cars, and the driver crossed them at a speed of about 20 mph. Then, she approached the third lane when a self-driving Uber SUV came through the intersection, hitting...
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Image of item posted on FacebookApril 12 at 8:00am · Comment · Share
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Self-Driving Cars and Motorcycles
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  Self-driving cars promise to transform the automobile industry - and not just for insurers. A recent report in Insurance Journal states that self-driving cars will completely change life for motorcyclists -- for the better. Its a simple safety equation: when robots are at the wheel, far fewer bikers will die on the road. As a result, more people will be inclined to use this alternative form of transportion, which previously had been seen as too dangerous. How, exactly, will self-dr...
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Image of item posted on FacebookOctober 11 at 8:00am · Comment · Share
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