Life Insurance Awareness Month
Etler-Kettenacker Agency wanted to share with their friends, clients and prospective clients that September is Life Insurance Awareness Month for insurance producers across the Country. For Life Insurance Awareness Month Etler-Kettenacker is going to focus on the importance and facts of life insurance for the next four weeks. Life Insurance Awareness Month was started by LIFE, a non-profit organization committed to educating insurance producers on the latest facts and trends regarding life insurance and most importantly, its importance.
To kick off the first week of Life Insurance Awareness Month, Etler-Kettenacker Agency would like to provide some basic facts about the importance of life insurance and why it is important for everyone to consider. Due to the current economy life insurance has taken a backseat to paying everyday expenses such as gas and groceries, more families are applying their money to reducing their debt instead of investing in their lives and financial planning is mostly obtained to ensure that a person or family has enough money to live on through their retirement. These are all real and legitimate concerns for most of the people in the United States. For these reasons LIFE and EK Agency feel that Life Insurance Awareness Month should be shared with everyone.
In 2013 LIMRA (Life Insurance Market Research Association) conducted a survey and discovered these startling facts. Just over thirty percent of U.S. households have no life insurance coverage. LIMRA discovered another fact that needs to be addressed; four out of ten households with children under the age of 18 have a mother as the sole financial contributor to the family. Not only is she the sole contributor to the family, if she has life insurance, her coverage is only 69% of the average coverage for men. Bringing facts such as this to light is the purpose of Life Insurance Awareness Month.
The “Life Happens” campaign and Life Insurance Awareness Month hope to increase the public’s view toward purchasing life insurance and offering explanations about the many choices of life coverage that is affordable during these tough economic times. This is due to the fact LIMRA determined that only 8% of consumers state that it is likely that they will obtain life insurance coverage over the next year. This clearly indicates lack of awareness about the available life insurance plans and the lack of expendable money people have to pay for life insurance premiums. LIFE and Etler-Kettenacker Agency wants to enlighten everyone about the importance of life insurance and let consumers know that there are affordable compromises that can be made to ensure your loved ones have some type of financial security while they rebuild their life. One less worry for the surviving loved ones. Through the next few weeks, during Life Insurance Awareness Month, each page will be dedicated to facts regarding life insurance, is importance and options that may suit most household’s needs. Life happens and sometimes it can be an unhappy life changing event, you can never be too prepared to ensure your family will have financial security.