Motorcycle Safety
Etler-Kettenacker Agency wanted to promote a page on motorcycle safety this week. For the entire page visit It is no surprise that more motorcycles are on the road due to their fuel efficiency. This is the main reason why motorcycle deaths and injuries have increased every year for 14 out of the last 15 years.
The main to be aware of as motorists and motorcyclists is to leave each other room. Motorists should be aware of pulling out in front of motorcyclists due to decreased stopping ability. Motorcyclists should also be aware of pulling out in front of vehicle operators. This is the leading cause of motorcycle accidents and deaths; the impeding of the motorcyclists’’ right of way. Sharing the road with each other is a simple motorcycle safety tip to remember.
Etler-Kettenacker Agency has posted a page with additional statistics and motorcycle safety tips on their page. EK Agency wishes everyone a safe rest of the summer!