Wednesday, December 30, 2015As 2015 draws to a close, you may be making resolutions to eat healthier, get to the gym and save more money. If saving money is on your list, you may be considering upgrading to new, energy-efficient home appliances. But these new gadgets often come with hefty price tags -- which raise the question of whether they'll save you enough money to be worthwhile. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 23, 2015So you're at the checkout, about to click "purchase" on your online order, when a box pops up asking if you'd like to pay an extra $70 for an extended warranty. You're splurging on a brand-new, $600 DSLR camera... so you hesitate. Should you buy the extra insurance? Is the $70 worth it? READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 9, 2015If you're a fan of live Christmas trees, you're not alone! According to Statistics Brain Research Institute, the number annual sales of live trees outnumber fake by a margin of more than 3:1. Of the people on Team Real Tree, some 84% of them purchase a pre-cut tree. This is dangerous for a few reasons: READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Alright: it's quiz time! Today we are going to play a round of "Would You File an Insurance Claim If...". Answer the following questions honestly -- and remember, this makes a great game for the next family get-together! Would you file an insurance claim if... READ MORE >>
Wednesday, October 28, 2015This week, we're wrapping up our Halloween-themed posts with a fun one: alternative treats to hand out. Now we're not suggesting you hand out toothbrushes or boxes of raisins; but nowadays, there are lots of treat options that won't put you at risk for having a tree full of toilet paper on November 1! READ MORE >>
Wednesday, October 21, 2015Last week we talked about trick-or-treating tips for your kids; this week, it's all about safety guidelines for homeowners. Lots of people really get into Halloween decorations, with homemade "cemeteries" in their lawns, DIY Haunted Houses on their driveways, loads of lights, and lots of hanging skeletons, cobwebs and, of course, Jack o' Lanterns. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, October 7, 2015With temps starting to dip into into the 40s at night, you may be tempted to run your furnace. And while conserving energy is great -- it's actually a good idea to get the ole' furnace running sooner rather than later. Testing your furnace out before winter hits is a wise choice, as it allows you to make sure there aren't any leaks, odd smells or issues. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 16, 2015It's been a crisp, beautiful fall week here in the Tri-state -- perfect for pumpkin patches, hay rides and football! This cooler weather also serves to remind us that yes, fall (and eventually winter) are upon us. For homeowners, fall is the time to take care of your yard! READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 9, 2015Happy Fall, friends! Hard to believe, but cooler temps, fall colors and football season are just around the corner! In a nationwide survey, nearly 30% of Americans chose fall as their favorite season -- and it isn't any wonder why. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, August 19, 2015If you are sending your kids off to college this fall, you might be wondering about insurance. Specifically, insuring all that stuff you bought for your college-bound kid: computer, books, bikes and, in some cases, furniture. READ MORE >>
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